Jan 9, 2011

Voleh - Volunteer Oleh Help

Here is a very useful site for new immigrants to Raanana and all of Israel, it is the Volunteer Oleh Help Organization. On their site they say:

Their mission is to ease the immigration and absorption process for new Olim to Israel...provides helpful articles, guidance, and the assistance of volunteers who have themselves been through the process.


Jan 6, 2011

Raanana Travel Agents

I'm sorry to say it but I haven't found a Raanana travel agent that I like. If you have one to suggest then I'm open to ideas but only if you have personally been a satisfied customer!
If, like me you book your travel online then you will love this site which I have just discovered: HotelCombined.com it is a hotel search engine, which means it searches all the hotel booking sites online and the hotel sites and brings you a list of the best offers!

To try it out go to:


Jan 3, 2011

Raanana Mikvot - did you know there are two?

There are actually two mikvot in Raanana and they are very different in charactor and location, you should try them both out and see which suits you best. There is one in the eastern corner of Raanana and one in the center of Raanana just off of Ahuza. You can read here all the details of open hours; price, location and other details:

Raanana Mikvah